Monday, July 28, 2008


GURPS Lite, which is used as the basis for the rules in this book, is the boiled-down essence of GURPS: all the fundamental rules, but not the options and embellishments that often confuse new players. Experienced Game Masters will, we hope, find this a valuable tool for introducing new players to the game. The rules presented in this book are complete and usable, but if you want more options, more detail, and more ideas, you can find them in other books from Steve Jackson Games. Once you're comfortable with the Lite rules, you can pick up the GURPS Basic Set and jump right into the action. See Appendix B for information on more
GURPS books which you may also find of interest.

What is GURPS ?

GURPS, which stands for Generic Universal Role Playing System, is the RPG that the rules in this book are condensed from. Why is it called that? Well . . .

GURPS starts with simple rules, and builds up to as much optional detail as you like. The abridged version in this book presents the core rules that most GMs start with, specifically presented for use in games set in the world of Hellboy.

The basic rule system is designed to emphasize realism. Therefore, it can fit any situation I
fantasy or historical, past, present, or future. It works just fine for this game.

This is not just a hack-and-slash game. The rules are written to make true roleplaying possible I and to encourage it. GURPS is a game in which you take on the persona of another character I and pretend, for a little while, to be that character.

Over 160 different books have been published for GURPS, in eight different languages (so far). It is one of the recognized standards for roleplaying, worldwide.